What’s New
In January 2025 I had 3d scans of Chief Rob created to fabricate a larger than life bronze for Wainer Woods, a historical Wampanoag family farm in Westport MA. The property was purchased by a biracial Indigenous/African American man named Paul Cuffe and his brother in law Michael Wainer in 1799. I am collaborating with their descendant Chief Rob to create a monument in homage to both Michael Wainer and Paul Cuffe, two under recognized historical people of color from Westport who together accomplished an extraordinary amount in their lives. Since Chief Rob is a descendant of both Cuffe and Wainer, we decided to scan him as a model for the figure. The Chief wanted to give people an idea of what an Eastern Native Woodland Indian from Westport looks like.
As part of my thesis while earning my MFA at UMass Dartmouth in 2019, I began to create generative artworks. These four pieces, arising from my QR series, are each printed on metal. Alternating triangular and circular forms, they are interactive pieces, inviting viewers to scan each of them individually with a smartphone which direct them to a digital component of the work. I am thrilled my work was selected along with the many incredible artists for the new Google building in Cambridge MA. Photography courtesy of Google LLC. Thank you @google @lifecrush for choosing my work, and @art_work.s for making it happen

From August 11, to September 22nd, 2023 Merri’s photos of jazz trumpeter Roy Hargrove will be showing at Narrows Center in Fall River, MA. The images were taken by Merri in 1997 for his album, “Habana.” Funded by the Fall River Cultural Council
Jeff Buckley Eternal Life – an exhibition by Merri Cyr, curated by Guido Harari for the Locus festival 2022. Images, music and encounters on the 25th anniversary of Jeff Buckley’s passing. Special guests: Joan As Police Woman, Merri Cyr, Diodato, Carlo Massarini, Guido Harari, Luca De Gennaro. Official partner: BCC Locorotondo. From 31 July to 4 September 2022 in Locorotondo (BA), Italy.
Meditations-Merri creates photo based abstract artworks
Spiritualist images for the album cover of the Brooklyn band, Violet Mine
Kids Being Kids
Night Flower_ April 2020
March 2020
ANOMALY: These past weeks I have made a series of images. My chickens used to produce perfectly formed eggs. As the year 2020 began, I started to see anomalies. I wondered why and began to examine them more closely.
December 2019_ 25 Years of Grace book signing at Morrison Hotel Gallery in Hollywood